Painting of Dorothy & Phyllis to be part of Truro Open: Spirit of Conwall

An oil painting on found wooden panel will form part of The Spirit of Cornwall show at Royal Museum Cornwall untill 2024. Dorothy & Phyllis who were sisters started to look after sick crows in the 20s and thier work and perseverance lead to the Mousehole bird hospital being such a long lasting and humane legacy.

Truro Open: Spirit of Cornwall

10 October 2023 – 20 January 2024

More to explore

Light Remnant

Along with another artist I will be showing some Persian inspired miniatures in Baku, Azerbaijan in April. As part of the NoCollective’s

Ink Drawing Workshop

On Saturday 11th April 10am -1pm there will be an Ink Drawing Workshop at Ocean Studios, Royal William Yard, Plymouth 10am to